

Regional public organization for support of women entrepreneurs of small and medium business “International Union of Women»



1.1. Regional public organization for the support of women entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses “International women’s Union” hereinafter referred to as the Organization (Union), is a membership-based non-profit corporate organization established in the legal form – public organization. The organization was established on the initiative of citizens United in the manner prescribed by law on the basis of common interests to achieve the goal defined by this Charter.

1.2. The organization is a non-profit organization, does not have its main purpose of making a profit and does not distribute the profits among its members.

1.3. The organization operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the Federal law of the Russian Federation “On public associations”, other regulations governing the activities of public associations, as well as this Charter.

1.4. Full name of the Organization in Russian – Regional public organization for support of women entrepreneurs of small and medium business “International Union of Women” Abbreviated name of the Organization in Russian – ROO “International Union of Women”. Full name of the Organization in English – Regional public organization support for women entrepreneurs of small and medium business “International women’s Union”.
Short name in English – RРО “International women’s Union”.

1.5. The organization’s activities are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government and the rule of law. The activities of the Organization are public, and information about its Charter and policy documents is publicly available.

1.6. The legal capacity of the Organization as a legal entity arises from the moment of entering into the unified state register of legal entities of information on its creation and ceases at the time of entering into the specified register of information on its termination.

1.7. Territorial scope of activity – Regional. The organization operates in the city of Moscow.

1.8. The organization is competent to act as a plaintiff and defendant in court.

1.9. The organization has the right in accordance with the established procedure to open accounts, including foreign currency, in banks and other credit institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.10. Location of the permanent governing body of the Organization (Council) – the Russian Federation, Moscow.


2.1. The main purpose of the Organization is to unite women entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses, aimed at the development of their professional, social and cultural level, as well as to represent and protect common interests.

2.2. The Objectives Of The Organization:
– promoting the formation of comfortable conditions for the Association of women entrepreneurs, creating a platform for communication, exchange of experience, discussion of various business ideas and projects, expansion of business ties;
– provision of information support, including support in the promotion of goods and services produced by members of the Organization to markets, including regional and international;
– providing consulting and legal support to the members of the Organization;
– assistance in providing women entrepreneurs with modern equipment and technologies, creation of production and technological centers and various business infrastructure facilities;
– assistance in obtaining financial support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses;
– assistance in training, retraining and advanced training of members of the Organization;
– development of women’s entrepreneurial literacy and competence;
– popularization and promotion of entrepreneurship, the formation of a positive image of Russian women entrepreneurs;
– representation and protection of the rights and General, including professional, interests of the members of the Organization, as well as coordination of their activities.

2.3. The subject of activity of the Organization is achievement of its authorized purposes by implementation, according to the current legislation, of the following types of activity:
– organization and implementation of various activities, programs and projects aimed at comprehensive support and development of women’s entrepreneurship, improving its competitiveness and investment attractiveness, participation in the development and implementation of investment projects to support and develop business;
– assistance in the development, creation and implementation of projects, programs and activities aimed at creating a favorable environment for business development, improving the starting conditions for women’s entrepreneurship;
– representation of interests of members of the Organization in public authorities, local governments, in relations with public associations, in international and other organizations and institutions;
– consolidation and coordination of activities of members of the Organization;
– providing comprehensive assistance in the development and implementation of advanced economic, financial, management, strategic technologies (methods, strategies, mechanisms) of business;
– providing practical assistance to members of the Organization in the development and protection of business plans, investment projects, in dealing with lending, in the introduction of new technology, development and development of competitive products;
– assistance in the organization of production, consumer attraction, expansion of the range of sales of products and services of members of the Organization;
– creation of data banks to improve the efficiency of the organization’s members;
– promoting the introduction and use of modern information technologies in the business processes of members of the Organization;
– participation in the development and implementation of information and educational programs for women entrepreneurs, including for beginners;
– provision of information, consulting and other assistance to members of the Organization;
– assistance in legal support of members of the Organization, quality resolution of civil disputes, development of arbitration, mediation;
– dissemination of the principles of civilized business and social responsibility in the business environment, the formation of mechanisms for compliance with corporate and business ethics;
– assistance in the formation of a consolidated position of women entrepreneurs on the most important issues of economic and social development of the country;
– assistance to members of the Organization in the development of trade,economic, scientific,technical, cultural relations with business circles of foreign countries;
– assistance and participation in the development and implementation of Federal, regional and municipal programs to support entrepreneurship;
– promoting the creation and implementation of activities aimed at promoting entrepreneurship among women, strengthening the role and authority of women entrepreneurs in society;
– participation in the prescribed manner in the implementation of programs and activities carried out by state bodies, local governments, public and other organizations relating to the scope of the Organization;
– the use of internationally accepted forms of exchange of professional groups, including sending members to other regions of Russia and abroad to participate in international competitions, conferences, symposia, seminars, exhibitions to demonstrate the achievements of members of the Organization, advertising their activities, as well as the use of the achievements of the regions of Russia and foreign countries;
– organization and holding of various educational, cultural,educational and other events, including exhibitions, seminars, conferences, forums, concerts, festivals, master classes, fashion shows, competitions and other events on the statutory activities of the Organization;
– organization of cultural and educational programs in the framework of high-level international events (summits, forums, business forums);
– development and implementation of cultural and educational projects aimed at promoting the cultural and historical heritage of Russia;
– development of cultural,historical and educational tourism in the regions of Russia;
– establishment of various awards, awards, grants for services in the field of activity of the Organization;
– implementation in accordance with the established procedure of publishing, production and distribution of audio-film-television and video products, information and other materials;
– promotion and support of electronic information resources on the Internet covering the activities of the Organization;
– interaction with interested public authorities and local self-government bodies, public and religious associations, scientific, educational, educational institutions, mass media to consolidate efforts aimed at the implementation of the organization’s statutory goal;
– promoting the creation of social stores for the sale of goods and products produced by members of the Organization;
– assistance in the creation of medical, educational, sports, children’s and other social facilities and institutions that meet the goals and objectives of the Organization, including the Organization finances the production of design and estimate documentation, construction and repair works;
– participation in international associations, establish direct international relations and contacts, conclude relevant agreements.