A new era in medical and surgical methods of cancer treatment

A new era in medical and surgical methods of cancer treatment

Events Of The International Women's Union
Our partner - the Atlas of Health group of companies together with the Italian partners Rafael Consulting carries out the international training seminar. Topic: "a New era in medical and surgical methods of cancer treatment". The uniqueness of the international training seminar: leading Italian experts will share with Russian doctors scientific achievements and their invaluable experience in the treatment of cancer. "International women's Union" also takes an active part in the preparation and holding of the seminar, which is organized by our partner GC "Atlas of health". The event provided presentations Dr. Andrea Pickett - specialist in minimally invasive methods of treatment at the University of Rome "La Sapienza», Dr. Andrea Mancuso - head of the Oncology Department of the clinic "San Camillo- Foreplay" and Professor Giancarlo D'ambrosio – associate…
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Jury of the International Festival of arts and crafts “By Hands of a woman”

Jury of the International Festival of arts and crafts “By Hands of a woman”

Events Of The International Women's Union
It's time to introduce you, friends, to the jury of the 2nd International festival of decorative arts "By Hands of a woman". The jury will be replenished. Komarova Natalia Vasilievna Member of the General Council of the public organization "Business Russia» Chairman of the Committee on women's entrepreneurship "BUSINESS RUSSIA" Chairman of the Board of Directors of "DEM-INVEST RUPP". Member of the Board of Trustees of the international women's Union» http://www.handswomen.ru/международное-жюри/
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Events Of The International Women's Union
"International Women's Union" took part in the Panel session "the Entry into force of the Law on social entrepreneurship – new opportunities and promising niches for business, and the availability of financing at the present stage of development", held in all-RUSSIAN FORUM "SOCIAL entrepreneurship - a TIME to ACT". The forum is a unified information and communication and practice-oriented platform where participants - social entrepreneurs, representatives of Federal and regional Executive authorities, leading funds and development institutions considered the implementation of social entrepreneurship projects, legislative regulation and infrastructure support. The moderator of the panel session was Natalia Komarova, Member of the General Council, Chairman of the Committee on women's entrepreneurship of the Public organization "Business Russia". Amirova Alfiya, President of the international women's Union, and Zubareva Victoria, Vice President of…
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Итоговое заседание комитета «Деловой России» по женскому предпринимательству.

Итоговое заседание комитета «Деловой России» по женскому предпринимательству.

Events Of The International Women's Union
14 декабря в особняке на Делегатской прошло итоговое заседание комитета «Деловой России» по женскому предпринимательству. Президент РОО " Интернациональный Союз Женщин" Альфия Амирова представила проект «Руками женщины», который помогает мастерицам, в том числе самозанятым, выйти на новый уровень, представить свою продукцию на международном рынке, а также помогает им «выйти из тени» и зарабатывать деньги. 3-4 ноября 2018 года Альфией Амировой был проведен Международный форум-выставка «Руками женщины» в г. Страсбург. Юлианна Аболдина, Лариса Спиридонова и Лариса Шаренко - Финалистки Фестиваля декоративно прикладного искусства "Руками женщины",представили свою продукцию на заседании – это и ватные ёлочные игрушки, и куклы, шкатулки и бижутерия ручной работы. Все изделия великолепны.
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