On July 26, 2024, a meeting of the international discussion club “VISION 3000” was held with the support of the Moscow Government (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU “Moscow House of Nationalities”) at the Moscow House of Nationalities.
The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic: “Mechanisms of generational formation based on family and traditional values.”

The meeting was opened by Nadezhda Lebedeva, an expert of the International Women’s Union in the field of cultural studies. Full member, academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. Full member, Academician The Academy of Folk Art of Russia. Honorary member of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts. Member of the Creative Union of Professional Artists (TSPH). Member of the Professional Union of Artists.
One of the main ways to form morality among young people is
family traditions, which are an important part of the historical and cultural heritage of the country.
Cultural transmission is a system of transferring values, traditions, mores, customs, ideals and norms from one generation to another in the process of socialization of an individual. It supports communication between representatives of different generations and allows you to preserve traditions and the whole body of knowledge about culture.Family traditions are considered to be the key to strong family relationships. They are the main spiritual component of every home.
No nation, no cultural community has been able to do without the family, which plays
an important role in strengthening health and education, in preserving cultures and traditions, in ensuring the economic and social processes of society, and in improving demographic processes.Family is the foundation of Russia’s present and future.

Nadezhda Lebedeva noted:
Within the framework of its competencies and capabilities, the NGO “International Union of Women” holds events aimed at preserving family values, culture and traditions of our multinational country and friendly foreign countries.
One of the projects is the International photo contest “Mother and children in national costumes”.
The 5th anniversary International Photo Contest “Mom and Children in National Costumes” is held under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO with the support of the Federal Agency for Nationalities of Russia and the Moscow City branch of the All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Geographical Society” and is designed to demonstrate the national flavor of the peoples of our country.
The photo exhibition was presented at the UN (in Vienna). The photo exhibition was also presented at the ceremonial receptions dedicated to Russia Day in a number of Diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation abroad in more than 20 countries. In particular, in Embassies Russia in Mongolia, Austria (Vienna), France (Paris), Slovakia, Portugal, Mumbai (India), the Consulate General in Istanbul, etc. Information is posted on the official websites of diplomatic departments.
The photo contest is designed to demonstrate the national flavor of the peoples of Russia and friendly foreign countries by expressing the diversity of their nation’s culture through national costume, with the help of talented works by photo artists.
One of the goals of the international photo contest is to preserve traditional family values, strengthen intra–family and intergenerational relations, and form family traditions.
The awarding of the winners is planned to be held within the framework of the 3rd International Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium” at the GlavUpDK CC under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RUSSIA.
We also invite you to the 3rd International Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium”, which will be held on November 14-15. You can find out all the information about the forum by QR code.
Recall that the 2023 forum gathered more than 25 countries on its site, there were 5 official languages, more than 300 delegates from the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

Representatives of relevant organizations of the regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of Embassies, experts in various fields, public figures, etc. are invited as speakers.:

Nikanorova Alexandra – Chairman of the Community of Wives of Russian Diplomats, lecturer at the Geographical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Candidate of Geographical Sciences.

Natalia Zakharova is an actress, a member of the Parents’ Chamber Union, a member of the National Association of Playwrights (NAD), a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, cultural adviser to the head of the Presnya City Council of Moscow, a member of the Bunin Russian Society (BOR), a member of the Imperial Palestinian Society, an expert of Channel One, Rossiya 1, NTV. Topic: “Cultural sovereignty as the basis for the security of the country’s domestic policy.”

Lyudmila Abakumova Is A Lawyer. Family counselor. Resident of the Eurasian Business Club. The author and head of the project “Business Security-Family”. Topic: “Family values as a guarantee of a stable future.”
Ilyazov Iskander – Honorary Artist of Russia, full member and Professor of Fine Arts of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. The topic of the presentation is “Cultural transmission”.

Shilova Ruzana is a Mother of 12 children, President of the Charity Foundation for Children’s Aid “Mercy-My Joy Group”, Member of the United Russia Party, Winner of the Governor’s award “Our Moscow Region”. The topic of the presentation: “Family values form a person’s understanding of the role of the family, its significance and uniqueness.”

Judith Sorkin is the President of the First Women’s Jewish Congress. The theme is “Women’s education, responsibility for building peace. Spirituality.”

Semiletov Sergey – Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Council of Tver Fathers”, expert of the National Association of Researchers of Parental Alienation Syndrome, Member of the Orthodox Parent Committee, Deputy head of the Tver branch of the Union of Women of Russia. Topic: “Education as a foundation for the formation of a personality, as a constitutional duty of a parent, provided for in Article 38 of the Constitution”

Mammadov Jahangir – Chairman of the public movement “Banner of Russia”, expert of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Daniel Akimov is a member of the expert council of the public movement “Banner of Russia”, Head of the project “Russia is a country of heroes”.
After the speakers’ speeches and answers to questions, the participants continued to communicate in an informal setting.

We thank GBU “Moscow House of Nationalities” for the help in organizing the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000″ and for the photo material provided.

Organizer: “International Women’s Union” http://www.iwuorg.com/
General Information Partner: Online publication “Embassy Life” https://embassylife.ru/
MORE PHOTOS AT THE LINK https://vk.com/album-211188669_303847321