The country’s agrarians are in the hottest time, the time of harvesting winter grain crops. For example, in Tatarstan, agrarians have already harvested more than 2.1 million tons of grain. The leader in terms of harvested volume is Tetyusha district, where 1157 thousand tons of grain have been collected.
The dynamically developing agroenterprise of the district LLC “Agrofirma “Kolos” had every minute on the account, worked from dawn until late at night, harvested winter wheat 60 centners per hectare. Everyone, working on the expanses of his native Tatarstan, strives to produce as much quality products as possible, giving himself to his work to the end.
Everything works like clockwork here. Almost immediately after the combines come balers, which pick up straw swaths and then compress them, wrapping them with twine, even despite the dry and capricious weather was collected quite a good harvest.
And these results the agrocomplex achieved under the leadership of a bright personality, who is an example for everyone, but never exalts herself above the “people”, does not separate the Motherland from herself, it is Safiullova Rima Gumerovna – director of “Agrofirma “Kolos”.
Besides, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan – Minister of Agriculture Marat Azatovich Zyabbarov together with the Head of the district Ramis Khatypovich Safiullov visited Tetyushsky district for high performance in harvesting grain crops and great dedication and rewarded the best combine harvesters of LLC “Bakrchi” and farm “Safiullova R.G.” with letters of appreciation, valuable gifts and cash prizes.
Rima Gumerovna Safiullova is the official representative of the International Women’s Union in the Republic of Tatarstan. This woman with a strong-willed character and nerves of steel, the one who showed fortitude and did not give up when fate decided to fundamentally change all her plans.
Her complex labor path started from the artistic director of Novo-Ishlinsky rural house of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, to housing and communal services technician and director of LLC “Agrofirma “Kolos”, which she is to this day. Rima believes that it is necessary to have time for everything – both professional activity and housekeeping, and upbringing of children and attention to her husband. Indeed, the right organization of time can open new horizons, so, in addition to managing the Agrofirm, Rima Gumerovna is a Maecenas:
- Member of the charitable foundation “International Association of Islamic Business”
- Sponsoring events and selling goods at fairs at reduced prices.
- Provision of agricultural goods to the residents of the settlement.
Moreover, every director would like to see such an attitude to her employees as Safiullova has. She understands that caring and sensitivity, attention and trust are inviolable truths on which the whole highly organized and cohesive work process is built. She helps her colleagues not only with useful advice, but also stimulates them with high salaries, social benefits and much more. Her work is her second home, and the people in her team are her second family.
It is not surprising that Agrofirm “Kolos” has such high indicators, because aside from charity Rima is also an active in public activities:
- Head of the All-Russian Public Foundation “Tatar Family” of Tetyushsky municipal district.
- Member of the Public Council of the Tetyush municipal district.
- Member of the Islamic Cultural Center named after Sh. Marjani.
Rima Gumerovna Safiullova is a tactful person, interested in the lives of others, carrying the collective idea that success is not only personal success, it is the sum total of the success of each of us. She is a burning star who strives to improve herself and improve everything around, she can do anything, even drive a tractor.
“In trouble, she will not hesitate, she will save you;
She will stop a horse at a gallop,
She will enter a burning house!”, – so accurately says the famous poem by Nikolai Nekrasov.
A new life begins with leaders like her. Real modernization begins with leaders like her.