On June 4, 2019, the Congress center of the Chamber of Commerce And Industry of the Russian Federation hosted an open conference of the Italian-Russian chamber of Commerce. The meeting included the election of a new President of IRTP, who became its Vice-President and President of the holding Mikro Kapital Group Vincenzo Trani. There was also a discussion of prospects and plans for economic relations between Russia and Italy, in which it was announced the signing of an agreement between IRTP and VEB Innovations on the development of innovative enterprises of Russia and Italy.
Amirova Alfiya,President of the international women’s Union, Viktoriya Zubareva, Vice President, and Marat shakirzyanov, Director General of the Zur Art Foundation, attended the General Assembly of the members of the Italian-Russian chamber of Commerce.
At the 55th General Assembly of the Italian-Russian chamber of Commerce (IRTP), held today at the CCI, its permanent President since 1999 Rosario Alessandrello resigned.
New President elected IRTP Vincenzo Trani.
Rosario Alessandrello ceased to lead the IRTP, but he left to stay – will now be the honorary President of the Italian-Russian chamber of Commerce, his vast experience and knowledge is extremely necessary, said in his speech, the head of the Russian chamber of Commerce Sergei Katyrin.
IRTP fifty – five years. Few inter-country organizations can boast of such a date, said the President of the RF CCI. He read out a greeting from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the anniversary General Assembly of the Italian-Russian chamber of Commerce.