Preservation and strengthening of traditional spiritual and moral values of multinational Russia and friendly foreign countries.

Preservation and strengthening of traditional spiritual and moral values of multinational Russia and friendly foreign countries.

Events Of The International Women's Union
[caption id="attachment_1248" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Фото ГБУ "Московский дом национальностей"[/caption] On June 21, 2024, a meeting of the international discussion club "VISION 3000" was held with the support of the Moscow Government (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU "Moscow House of Nationalities") at the Moscow House of Nationalities. [caption id="attachment_1249" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Фото ГБУ "Московский дом национальностей"[/caption] The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic: "Preservation and strengthening of traditional spiritual and moral values of multinational Russia and friendly foreign countries." The meeting was opened by Amirova Alfiya, President of the International Women's Union, President of the International Discussion Club VISION 3000. Spiritual and moral values have been one of the foundations of the development of Russian statehood throughout the history of…
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