The Vice President of the International Women’s Union received a delegation from the World Congress of Tatars.
On June 19, Irek Sharipov, Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars, Head of the Committee for Work with branches in Tatarstan, visited the Tetyushsky and Drozhzhanovsky municipal districts of Tatarstan on a working trip. Rima Gumerovna Safiullova, General Director of Agrofirma Kolos LLC, Vice President of the International Women's Union, Head of the public organization of Tatar women Ak Kalfak of the Tetyushsky Municipal District, received a delegation from the World Congress of Tatars. Rima Gumerovna showed the guests the farm. In its activities, it skillfully implements advanced technologies for the cultivation of agricultural crops, as a result of which the farm is a permanent leader of the district and is among the top five best farms Tatarstan in terms of grain and sugar beet…