The delegation of the International Women’s Union visited the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The delegation of the International Women's Union visited the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 24, 2024 in Tashkent in The Representative Office of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a meeting of businesswomen of the two republics in the format of a round table discussion. The meeting was attended by the representative of Tatarstan in Uzbekistan, Aidar Azatovich Akhtariev. The delegation from the Russian side was headed by President of the International Women's Union Amirova Alfiya The delegation included: Safiullova Rima is the official representative of the International Women's Union in Tatarstan. General Director of Agrofirma Kolos LLC (Tatarstan).Head of the public organization of Tatar women "Ak Kalfak" of the Tetyushsky municipal district under the Regional Public organization of Tatar…