The official representative of the International Women’s Union in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

The official representative of the International Women’s Union in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Events Of The International Women's Union
To your attention, the official representative of the International Women's Union in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan is Mamina Nailya. My name is Mamina Naila Faritovna, and I see my life and work as an integral unity, where hobbies and professions become extensions of each other. I feel true joy from doing what I love, and I sincerely love what I do. Currently, I am the founder and head of the prestigious interior design studio "DS Interior" in Bishkek (our website https://interior .kg, Instagram ) .  In addition, I founded the Academy of Interior Design, where I transfer my knowledge and train talented people in the profession of "Interior Designer" (our website / , Instagram: ). My philosophy of work is to completely individualize each project, taking into…
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Domestic and inbound tourism. Advantages and problems. Meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”

Domestic and inbound tourism. Advantages and problems. Meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”

Events Of The International Women's Union
On June 21, 2023, the Moscow House of Nationalities hosted a regular meeting of the "VISION 3000 International Discussion Club" with the support of the Moscow Government (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU "Moscow House of Nationalities"). [caption id="attachment_4444" align="aligncenter" width="6010"] Фото предоставлено Московским домом национальностей[/caption] The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic "Domestic and inbound tourism. Advantages and problems". [caption id="attachment_4445" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] Фото предоставлено Московским домом национальностей[/caption] The moderator of the discussion was the President of the discussion club "VISION 3000" - Amirova Alfiya. [caption id="attachment_4446" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] Фото предоставлено Московским домом национальностей[/caption] The club was attended by representatives of authorities, the tourism industry, public figures who represent the tourism potential of Moscow, the Republic of Tatarstan, the…
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Events Of The International Women's Union
The international photo contest "Mother and Children in National Costumes" is presented in digital format at the International Festival of the Peoples of the North "The Soul of Russia" at the Lenfilm Film Studio as part of the cultural program of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2023), which takes place from June 14 to 17. PRESENTATION AT SPIEF 2023 of the International photo Contest "Mother and children in national costumes"      
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Congratulations on Russia Day!

Congratulations on Russia Day!

Events Of The International Women's Union
On June 12, Russia Day is celebrated – a holiday of universal unity and pride – for our Motherland, its history, culture, for the inhabitants who have worked hard at all times, stood up for the country, ensured its development. This holiday, despite its youth, has firmly entered not only the official calendar of solemn dates, but also into the hearts of all who proudly call themselves Russians. The International Women's Union congratulates all Russians on Russia Day! The greatness and power of our country causes awe and respect. Let there be a place in the soul of every citizen for the love of his Homeland. May the strength of the ancestral spirit bring development and prosperity, give strength for great achievements and faith in a wonderful future. May the…
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The Annual Festival of national cultures “Multicolour of Russia” was held in Moscow.

The Annual Festival of national cultures “Multicolour of Russia” was held in Moscow.

Events Of The International Women's Union
On June 7 and 8, 2023, the Moscow House of Nationalities hosted the Annual Festival of National Cultures "Polychrome of Russia", dedicated to Russia Day and the 25th anniversary of the Moscow House of Nationalities. The festival is one of the largest projects of the Moscow State Budgetary Institution "Moscow House of Nationalities". The project started on June 9, 2011. Within the framework of the Festival, on June 7, a round table "Multicolored Russia: traditions and prospects of Interregional cooperation" was held. The moderator was V.S. Golovachev, member of the Public Council at the Moscow House of Nationalities, head of the Moscow branch - Chairman of the Management Board of the Karelian Commonwealth NGO; Chairman of the Public Council of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Karelia to the…
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A meeting of women advocating for the preservation and strengthening of family values was held in Moscow

A meeting of women advocating for the preservation and strengthening of family values was held in Moscow

Events Of The International Women's Union
On June 3, the first Saturday of the coming summer, an event took place that united women who advocate for the preservation and strengthening of family values, a happy childhood for our children. The topic of the meeting: "Family is the basis and resource for a healthy and happy childhood" Organizer: International Women's Union - Department "Family and Childhood"  with the support of the NGO's coworking center and the Environment of Their Own space. The online publication "Embassy Life" acts as an information partner. The event was very carefully planned by the friendly team of the Department and deeply reflected its mission: "By strengthening a woman, we strengthen the family. By strengthening the family, we raise and educate healthy, happy children" The meeting was opened by the Director of the…
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(Русский) В Москве прошел XVI- ый Фестиваль моды и талантов   «Stars International 2023».

(Русский) В Москве прошел XVI- ый Фестиваль моды и талантов «Stars International 2023».

Events Of The International Women's Union
All-Russian charm and Talent Contest "Little Miss and Mr. Russia 2023". From May 25 to May 31, the XVI Children's Fashion and Talent Festival "Stars International 2023" took place in Moscow Traditionally, the Festival brought together the most talented children from different cities of Russia. President of the International Women's Union Amirova Alfiya joined the jury. The International Women's Union" acted as an information partner. Participants were able to try their hand at the following competitions of the Festival: Song Stars International Vocal Competition Dance Stars International Choreographic Competition Fashion Stars International Competition "Theatre Stars International" Competition Competition "Martial Arts Stars International" And the most prestigious competition of the Festival is the Contest of charm and talent "Little Miss and Mr. Russia 2023" To get to the Festival, regional qualifying rounds…
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Happy Russian Entrepreneurship Day!

Happy Russian Entrepreneurship Day!

Events Of The International Women's Union
Всех причастных с праздником!!!! Предприниматели, сегодня ваш день! Прежде всего, хочется пожелать вам оправданных рисков, перспективных проектов, успешных сделок, честных партнеров. Процветания вашему бизнесу и стабильной ситуации в стране. А еще крепкого здоровья, поддержки ваших близких, бескорыстных друзей. Пусть в вашей жизни будет и материальный достаток, и удовлетворение от честно выполненной работы. Успехов вам во всем, милые бизнес леди!! с уважением к Вашему бизнесу РОО "Интернациональный союз женщин"
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Meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”

Meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”

Events Of The International Women's Union
Photos provided by the Press Center of GBU "Moscow House of Nationalities" On May 24, 2023, a meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000" was held with the support of the Moscow Government (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU "Moscow House of Nationalities"). The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic "Tourism and Culture. New realities". The conditions in which tourism exists and develops are influenced by numerous factors that are determined by the need that periodically arises for society to adapt to new situations caused by changes in geopolitical and other conditions. Having different strength and duration of impact, they determine the dynamics of tourism development and the formation of a specific structure of tourism in the world and…
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