Nominee of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium”- Alyona Kruglova

Nominee of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium”- Alyona Kruglova

Events Of The International Women's Union
To your attention, the nominee of the International Award "Woman of the Third Millennium"-Alyona Kruglova My name is Alyona Kruglova! I am the co-founder and director of the creative association "The World of Modern Watercolors" in Moscow. What are you ready to do 24/7, almost without rest and without paying for your work? Right! Nothing! That's how I answered this question to myself 24 years ago, but then I regretted it,,, And only at the age of 42, being an employee with extensive experience in the energy sector of the city of Moscow, I decided to become an artist. I entered the art Institute, and later realized myself as a curator and producer of art projects of both Russian and international formats. Over 5 years, more than 10 significant art…
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Events Of The International Women's Union
TO YOUR ATTENTION, THE NOMINEE OF THE INTERNATIONAL AWARD “WOMAN OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM”-Steksova Tatiana The third millennium began very successfully for me: working at school as a teacher of Russian language and literature, I became the winner of the city and the winner of the regional (entered the top three) competition "Teacher of the Year 2020", it was this year at the age of 28 that my managerial career began. Since 2006, she has been in charge of the children's home No. 2 "Rainbow", actively working on the adoption of children. When almost all the pupils were taken into custody or adopted, she opened a kindergarten "Luchiki" in the same building, which she managed from 2009 to 2021. During this time, the institution was recognized three times as the…
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Nominee of the international award “Woman of the Third Millennium” – Shabalkina Evgeniya

Nominee of the international award “Woman of the Third Millennium” – Shabalkina Evgeniya

Events Of The International Women's Union
To your attention, the nominee of the international award "Woman of the third Millennium" - Shabalkina Evgeniya Evgeniya Fedorovna takes an active part in events, projects of the organization, the city and the region. In October 2018. The department of "Support of Russia" together with the Kemerovo Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov launched an educational project "Captains of Business within the framework of the School Entrepreneurship League", in which Evgenia Fedorovna took an active part as the curator of the Yurginsky team "The Future of the Present". This team with the idea: "The thematic -gaming coffee house "Friend House" took 2nd place in the semifinals in December 2018, and later on March 22, 2019 took 1st place at the regional level. During 2021-2022 (the time of the pandemic), E.F.…
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The nominee of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium” is Elena Feldman.

The nominee of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium” is Elena Feldman.

Events Of The International Women's Union
To your attention, the nominee of the International Award "Woman of the third Millennium" - Feldman Elena More than 25 years of work in the field of NGO activities, successful experience in implementing various educational, cultural, social projects, both regional and interregional, international, I have experience in the field of small business development. She started her career as a volunteer in the Jewish community of Tula at the age of 18.  In 2009, she joined the collective of the interregional organization of Jewish women "Kesher" as a project coordinator. She has successfully implemented a number of international and interregional projects for women and their families, for members of Jewish communities in Russia.  From July 1 , 2020 – Head of the interregional public organization for the support of Jewish…
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Nalivai Louise is a nominee of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium”.

Nalivai Louise is a nominee of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium”.

Events Of The International Women's Union To your attention, the nominee of the International Award "Woman of the third Millennium" - Pour Louise "We will be judged not by words, and not even by deeds. We will be judged by our motives", - Luisa Nalivay - Director of the company "The territory of business. Mariupol" I was born on March 25, 1983 in a city by the sea. And today Mariupol is my place of strength. I love my city very much! All the important events in my life took place here: studying at the lyceum, "pen test" on one of the Mariupol TV channels, student years. I got married here, my beautiful daughters were born here. My family and friends, friends and like-minded people live here. I have a solid experience in the development…
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International practices of working with young people.

International practices of working with young people.

Events Of The International Women's Union
On 09/20/2023, a meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000" was held in the Moscow House of Nationalities. The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic "International practices of working with youth". The issues of cooperation with youth and prospects for its development in our country were discussed on the basis of the experience of world practice, taking into account Russian realities and the already existing accumulated experience. Working with young people is the most important stage of the cultural development of the younger generation, during which strong friendly and partnership relations with different states are created and interethnic relations are strengthened. They noted the importance of the mentor's role in educating the younger generation. The year 2023 has been declared the Year of the Teacher and…
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Elena Shuraeva is a nominee of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium”.

Elena Shuraeva is a nominee of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium”.

Events Of The International Women's Union
To your attention, the nominee of the International Award "Woman of the third Millennium" - Elena Shuraeva Elena Vladimirovna is: General Director of Alsaria LLC, Director General of the Accreditation Center of Traditional Medicine LLC, Head of the Health Committee of the BRICS OCDS, President of the ANO "Center for Promoting the Development of Wellness Technologies and personalized prevention in the field of health saving of the BRICS countries".     Shuraeva Elena  takes an active part in public activities: Chairman of the BRICS Health Coalition, member of the Moscow Association of Entrepreneurs, member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists, member of the Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia, member of the Association of Doctors and Occupational Medicine Specialists, member of the Association "Etalon" of Occupational Safety Specialists, member…
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