I am learning to live in ease and lead other people…

“To help others, to walk the path to self-knowledge faster than I do, allowing you to spend precious time on pleasure, family and your success.”

Tatiana Zakharova.

Today we will meet Tatiana Zakharova, a businesswoman, a member of the regional public organization “International Union of Women”, a specialist in therapy, a practicing psychologist, an expert in quantum numerology, a graduate of the RUDN in modern psychosomatics.

Talent, like a diamond, can’t help but sparkle – that’s what you can say about Tatiana.

The professional path was thorny and filled with a variety of colors.

For 14 years, Tatiana has been building her own business: a translation agency, a travel agency, a legal agency. Professionalism, a twinkle in her eyes, responsibility made her successful, in demand, irreplaceable in people’s lives.

Working in business, Tatiana discovered another gift in herself – to understand other people’s desires. To become a pro, our heroine devoted several years to studying with experienced psychologists in Latin America and Russia, studied psychosomatics, medical astrology, energy healing, numerology.

“I myself have come a long way to know myself, and without deciphering layer by layer of my natal chart, I would hardly understand why I am here, what is my peculiarity, strength, my energy.”

Tatiana always liked to help, communicate, solve human problems and requests. While working in tourism, she organized medical tourism services in the Volga region, concluding strategic agreements with leading clinics in Spain and Israel. She was a representative of foreign companies and was engaged in transporting seriously ill patients from Russia to a clinic where he could be provided with professional assistance, gathering consultations at the international level in advance to make such a decision.

“From a young age, I wanted to find a cure for CANCER, and a little later a cure for AIDS was added to my desires” − these children’s wishes that Tatiana made for the New Year became the basis of professional growth. They led our heroine to work with thinking, energy, chakras and a comprehensive understanding of a person.

“Life always sets me tasks. In search of a solution to which, I became who I am today.” I am my most expensive client, on whom I practice all new skills.”

Since childhood, our heroine has subtly felt the world and painted. At the age of 17, she made her first income in her favorite business, then she sold the painted icon for $ 300, at 21 she independently organized her first exhibition of paintings. I was going to enter the art and graphic faculty, but life has changed dramatically.

Tatiana’s parents moved her to Colombia, and she had to leave her friends and dreams in Russia. But after moving to another country, Tatiana, in addition to experience, acquired an important skill – understanding people of other nationalities and cultures. After 9 months, having learned Spanish, the girl entered the University of Haveriana, the oldest in Latin America.

“I was born in Kazakhstan. Then there were Cuba, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Panama, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and then 44 countries on the list – I’m not stopping.”

Upon returning to Russia, Tatiana entered the law faculty of KSU – she wanted to know how the world works, according to what laws people live. Having achieved material well-being, Tatiana began to ask deeper questions: “Who am I?”, according to what laws this world actually works. Thanks to this, she has reached a new level of understanding of herself and her capabilities, has gone a long and difficult way, which is impossible until a person is freed from old grievances and fears.

Now Tatiana looks organically in her place – her path resembles climbing a mountain from point A to point B, where point B is the top of snowy mountains, from which an unearthly view of blooming reality opens.

Having passed the obstacle course, our heroine helps people to understand themselves, expand the boundaries of consciousness to reach new heights, helps a person to realize the cause of his health problems.

“I am a happy person. I understand what I’m doing and why. I understand my purpose and manifest myself in it. I hold the personality development console in my hands. I choose what qualities I am developing now and what kind of people I surround myself with.”

This is the key to Tatiana’s success, the credo of her life. Many famous people and businessmen turn to our heroine with different requests: how to scale and expand a business, increase income, harmonize relationships with a partner, prevent energy leakage and depression, stop living as an observer “behind glass”, how to stop suffering from a certain ailment.

“The sage Sadhguru asks at his meetings:

– What do you do first thing in the morning?

– Phone number.

The sage is 100% right, first of all we take the phone. I always start my consultations with the diagnosis of codes in the phone, you can immediately see the person’s environment, what he is capable of, where he drains his energy, why he cannot reach a new level of income.”

For more than 6 years, our heroine has been practicing quantum numerology. “Numbers rule the world,” says Tatiana. “When we constantly use certain digital codes, they tend to create vibrations for the materialization of desire.”

Tatiana, however, has a gift – to guess desires. After consulting with her, you recharge, you begin to understand yourself better. She, like the sun, illuminates everything with herself, highlights those aspects of life that are in the shade and require personal work. A person is transformed, they begin to burn from the inside – here lies the secret of Tatiana, who knows how to believe in a person, see his potential and “give the keys” to development. This is happiness.

The material was prepared by Anatoly Kirillov.

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