Hone your skills every day and always win!

Today we will introduce you to Denis Feoktistov – businessman, entrepreneur, investor, member of the regional public organization “International Union of Women”.
My first professional education is an engineer, graduated from the University of Railway Communications of MIIT in Moscow, worked as an occupational safety engineer at the enterprise. At the age of 30, our hero decided to radically change his field of activity and decided to study the network business industry, in 8 years he acquired sales, negotiation, communication skills and succeeded in business. I learned how to build thousands of structures, speak to an audience of more than a thousand people.
Since his youth, Denis was fond of team sports (Football, hockey, basketball) and studied the biographies of successful people (Steve Jobs, Henry Ford). I studied outstanding people from the world of sports and business, they always show the necessary qualities, such as discipline, firmness of character, purposefulness.
What is their success in the first place? This is the attitude to your favorite business and, of course, the desire to work harder than others, to study and be trained, to hone your skills every day and always win.
What is their success in the first place? This is the attitude to your favorite business and, of course, the desire to work harder than others, to study and be trained, to hone your skills every day and always win.
Based on his experience, Denis gives several recommendations to aspiring businessmen:
In business circles, the image is created from small things and knowledge of the laws of doing business. Costume, haircut, surrounding attributes, character and actions — all this affects positively or negatively the opinion of a person. If the negotiator is not careful, then the partners may wonder whether it is worth dealing with him. And all because his appearance calls into question such business qualities as organization, concentration, accuracy, reliability.
In business, a person’s image is built due to the peculiarities of his behavior. And these are: concentration, mutual respect, punctuality, excellent manners. Your facial expression, gestures, postures — all these are signals about the presence or absence of your business qualities.
Observe such simple actions as greeting, showing respect, and the ability to listen to the interlocutor to the end. Show restraint and tact. Especially when surrounded by older people. The most important thing for the image of a business man is the ability to negotiate, set the right tasks and find ways to solve them. This is something you will have to work hard on. Proper manners are the ability to organize a friendly, easy, relaxed atmosphere around yourself.
A businessman’s schedule should always have time for rest and travel.
Our hero and his wife Lyudmila combine recreation and participation in International conferences of entrepreneurs. This is an opportunity to have a good and interesting rest getting acquainted with successful businessmen from other countries, to learn from each other’s experience. Together they visited such countries as the UAE, Dubai, Singapore, China, Portugal and the islands of Madeira, Spain, the Czech Republic, France.
Psychologists say that our subconscious mind firmly fixes the impression received in the first 30 seconds, and it will take a lot of time to change it. Of course, “they meet you by your clothes, but they see you off by your mind” and “they don’t judge a book by its cover.” The image of a business man is a great way to triumph, so to speak, his business card. Every business needs not only qualified employees, but it is also important that they are able to make a good impression on others. The success of the entire business depends on their ability to position themselves in the business community.
Denis Feoktistov
I would like to wish people to do only what they love in life. To be in demand in your profession or your business. Engage in spiritual growth. It is important to develop not only the body but also the soul, and in life to develop in all directions.
Be happy friends!The material was prepared by Anatoly Kirillov.

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